Tuesday, June 30, 2009

moment: 38 weeks

Two weeks or less until the big day! Wishing for a safe and healthy delivery. To be in the moment and take in every second of child birth. Each experience will be unique, best to be flexible and open and allow mother nature to do her thing. Learning to live with the final weeks of discomforts and lack of sleep. Still struggling to finalize baby's name. Procrastination is prevalent. Continuing to work until the big day arrives to have more time with baby. Looking forward to the sweet newborn smell, love, and warmth....

Meagan is excited to be big sis. She wanted to know if baby is coming tomorrow. In the process of wrapping a little gift for our big sis from baby....it is a book titled "I am a big sister" by Joanne Cole. It is important to us that Meagan feels loved and important as we move to the next chapter of our lives.

Funny moment - Meagan told everyone at her daycare I gave birth to a baby girl named Emma! The hubby had to tell everyone baby has not arrived yet. =)


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